
Jobey McGinty - September 15, 2024

“What If” vs. “Even If”

As we share the gospel with those around us, it can be really difficult to remain patient and hopeful that the good news will sink in and take root...especially after we've seen it fall on deaf ears and hard hearts for a long time. But we must remember that where God is involved there is always a chance . No one is ever beyond His reach. We must remember that while we are called to do something impossible (in our own strength), with His Spirit at work, all things are possible. Let us pray that He would give us boldness, passion, conviction, perseverance, hope and patience as we continue to share the gospel with those around us. May our love for Jesus shine through in all that we do, so that others may see the beauty of his grace and be transformed by his love.

Scripture References: Acts 28:14-24

From Series: "Acts: Saved to be Sent"

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