
Jobey McGinty - May 1, 2022

To Be Continued...


In many ways, God's chosen method of "launching" His church defies logic...or, rather, it defies our logic. Jesus dies and rises from the grave and then leaves earth and leaves His ministry in the hands of weak, scared disciples. But God grants His Spirit and, in doing so, He not only accounts for the weakness of His followers but He leverages it and uses it to amplify His message and grow the church. When we come to the end of ourselves, repent of our self-sufficiency and trust in His Spirit for provision and strength in our weakness we are more at the center of His will than at any other time of felt strength. ABOUT THIS SERIES: The Acts of the Apostles could be better titled, "The Acts of the Holy Spirit Through the Empowered Church," because it is the story of what God did through an unlikely group of people as the early church was born. God takes unlikely, weak, foolish, and unequipped people, and sends them on a mission to bring His Good News to those who are in need of it. But He doesn't send them out alone. He gives them His Holy Spirit, who unites them, strengthens them, equips them, and leads them in His wisdom to do an accomplish His will and work. Every believer is given His Spirit, and every believer is called to this mission, and together we will walk in the good works that He has prepared for us in this Unstoppable Mission: to see His glory and salvation proclaimed to the least, last, and lost from every tongue, tribe, and nation, even to the ends of the earth.

Scripture References: Acts 1:1-11

From Series: "Acts: Saved to be Sent"

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