
Jobey McGinty - August 22, 2021

Chosen by Grace


An orphan who hopes a family will come to their rescue and choose them to be part of their family is powerless, on their own, to force that adoption to take place. They can't find a family and tell them, "guess what, congratulations, I'm your new son or daughter" and expect that to suddenly become reality. They have no right to force their way into that family. In the same way, we don't choose to find God and become part of His family. We have neither the right nor the ability! But He chose us and sent His Son on a rescue mission to save all the Father had chosen...and, thank God, Jesus does not fail! So if our job is not the choosing or the seeking or saving...what is it? In its simplest form, our job is to accept this miraculous, undeserved adoption, take His name and live like we're part of His family...through the power of the Holy Spirit and out of eternal gratitude. ABOUT THIS SERIES: The Gospel of John was written "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you may have life in His Name" (John 20.30). The Apostle John, as an eyewitness and close friend of Jesus', desires for us to behold His beauty, love, and glory, and believe in His power and willingness to being forgiveness and life. As we journey through the Gospel of John, we will behold the life, teachings, works, and ministry of Jesus, and will hear straight from Him who He said He is, so that we would more deeply put our hope and trust in the Man who is God.

Scripture References: John 17:6-12

From Series: "Gospel of John - Behold & Believe"

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