Tyler Willis

Willis Family 2020

Tyler is a San Diego native and has lived in the Escondido area since 1999. He has served Life Mission Church since the church began in 2013 and now leads our Student Ministries and oversees the kids from newborn to High School.

Tyler and Amber have been married since 2009 and have 3 children. They are involved in several capacities and love being part of this local body of Christ. They have also taken many trips down to Mexico in order to serve a partner church in eastern Tijuana. Tyler and Amber lead a community group as well that meets on Thursdays in central Escondido.

If there is one thing about Tyler, it’s his love for the Word of God. He enjoys teaching not only the youth every Wednesday evening, but also preaching and encouraging the congregation multiple times a year. 

Email Tyler at tyler@lifemission.tv