Jonah is not just a story about a giant fish swallowing a man. It's a story about God. And more specifically, it's a story about God's relentless pursuit of grace towards us as we run from Him.In this opening sermon, we find that Jonah has set up boundaries in his heart; limits on how far he will go to obey God. Often we have a plan for our life, but God interrupts those plans. They seem arbitrary, or even as punishments, but we can know that this is not the case. We also hear a testimony from Pastor Ted Lawler who is the President of Breath of Heaven Children's Village in Zambia, Africa, and the way God brought him to service in Africa.
Jonah is not just a story about a giant fish swallowing a man. It's a story about God. And more specifically, it's a story about God's relentless pursuit of grace towards us as we run from Him.In this opening sermon, we find that Jonah has set up boundaries in his heart; limits on how far he will go to obey God. Often we have a plan for our life, but God interrupts those plans. They seem arbitrary, or even as punishments, but we can know that this is not the case. We also hear a testimony from Pastor Ted Lawler who is the President of Breath of Heaven Children's Village in Zambia, Africa, and the way God brought him to service in Africa.