James 4.6–10
6 But he gives more grace.
Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw near to God,
and he will draw near to you.
Cleanse your hands, you sinners,
and purify your hearts,
you double-minded.
9 Be wretched and mourn and weep.
Let your laughter be turned to mourning
and your joy to gloom.
10 Humble yourselves before the Lord,
and he will exalt you.




I am always amazed at how much I think I lack pride. After all, that mere thought is the epitome of pride! It really is as if I am saying, “I’m so proud of how humble I am!” The arrogance! But we all have a severe tendency to have inflated views of ourselves, our opinions, our ways, our morals, and our insights.  I may not say it out loud, but how often does my heart say to itself, “I wish people would just act or think or see things like I do.” What a nauseating admission, but it must be recognized if I want pride to die!  I want nothing to do with that kind of thought, because that kind of self-righteousness will drain my heart of love, gratitude, and awe of God.


is the enemy
of God-dependency.


The Gospel reminds me of where I was rescued from: darkness, death, and sin. I have nothing in myself, and apart from Christ, I can do nothing (John 15.5).  It’s easy to forget where I came from and forget the great work that Christ has done in me over many, many years and pains. The result of that Gospel amnesia? Pride in my gained righteousness and contempt for others. I become the moral police and self-appointed judge of others’ lives and convictions. I cease from being a doer of the Law and instead become a judge of the Law (James 4.11). I go from being a doctor wanting to help people heal to becoming a policeman wanting to catch people.


I am in deep spiritual trouble
when the sin of others
concerns me more
than my own sin.


Oh, that the Gospel would bring me low! That the aroma of my life would be marked with a deep gratefulness for God’s kindness and mercy towards me, resulting in a deep dependence on God alone. If I could only remember daily that my own righteous deeds are as filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64.6), and that even my acts of repentance are riddled with sinful motivations. There is nothing  good within me that dwells apart from Christ (Romans 7.18)! Lord, help me to believe that deeply every day and be amazed that You have saved me from destruction and darkness. Help me believe it is only through Christ’s imputed righteousness that I can stand with confidence before You!


Read Again Out Loud and Make it into a Prayer:

James 4.6–10




Personalize and Read or Pray Aloud:


Psalm 130.1–8
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
2 O Lord, hear my voice!
     Let your ears be attentive
     to the voice of my pleas for mercy!

3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
     O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
     that you may be feared.

5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
     and in his word I hope;
6 my soul waits for the Lord
     more than watchmen for the morning,
     more than watchmen for the morning.

7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
     and with him is plentiful redemption.
8 And he will redeem Israel
     from all his iniquities.




Pray Aloud:

Oh Lord, You have mercy upon all – take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore You, a heart to delight in You, to follow and to enjoy You, for the sake of Christ Jesus.


-Ambrose of Milan, 339-397 A.D.



Father in Heaven, I thank You
that You have adopted me
and You call me Yours.
I am asking You to cause Your Name
to be magnified in __________,
and that this would transform ________,
causing Your will to be done in their life.


Give __________ truth
that they need today,
that Your Spirit would bring
Your promises to mind,
helping _______ to repent of sin.


Lead _______ heart away from temptation,
but instead be led by Your Spirit
towards the love of Jesus.


Help me to forgive those
that have sinned against me,
and remind me that You have forgiven me
for all of my own sin against others.
Lead ___________ out of temptation
and towards truth.




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